Digital MarCom SosMed. Social Media Manager needed!
For a famous Tapas Resto located in Jimbaran - Bali
one of the best recommended place from Tripadvisor
Job description:
(a)Responsible for planning, organizing, leading and implementing
Promotion, social media contents & regular programs
(b)developing the property events and its promotion
(c)evaluating the effectiveness of all contents and programs
including videos, images in all various platforms
(d)open for new ideas and has a growth mindset
(e)Agreed to work in shift system
General Requirements:
- Minimum 3 years experience in Supervisory / Junior Managerial level
of Social Media / Digital Marketing / Marcom in hospitality fields
- Excellent English level
- Age maximum 40 years old
- loves photography, videos, basic editing softwares
Basic salary: start IDR 6,000,000 – 10.000.000 (based on experiences)
Personality Requirements:
- Open minded
- Can work individual or as a team
- Honest
- Responsible
- Friendly
- Strong personality
- Leadership
- Patience
- Basic Salary
- Meal allowance
- BPJS Kesehatan + BPJS Tenaga kerja
- Service Charge after 3 months working up to 2.500.000
Others :
- Shift schedule, 7 hour works, 1 hour break
- 5 days off a month
- 12 Annual Leave days + Sick days
- Special leaves
- Appraisals for promotion every 6 months
- Monthly field trips to develop hospitality skills outside the
- Private English classes to increase your skills
- Family environment where we assist our team to solve any challenges
they may face in their personal life
- After 3 years: Loyalty Bonus (5% additional salary for every year
Note :
- Candidates don't mind to work within shift schedule and overtime.
- We are looking candidate Indonesian citizen only - domicile in Bali
already / willing to move to Bali
- Closing vacancy at May 2023 - or can join ASAP!
Resume to be sent by email to:
Fast response and assist to WA number at:
Yudi & Associates / Bali Pro Agency
Independent Recruiter Bali
Akta Notaris: 849/22-08/PK/XI/2010
a HeadHunter Agency and facilitator, Job consultant, recruits
and placement since 2007,
non outsourcing, non PJTKI, no salary cut, no salary fee.
All resumes will be confidentially.
FB: yudi & associates
IG: yudiassociates
Dikirim oleh :
Nama :
Kota :
Telp/HP : 08155733218
Kategori :
Website :
Label :
Miliki Daftar Alamat Grosir dan No Telepon

Dikirim oleh : Dian, 085724406969 | Kunjungi website: pusat grosir
Koleksi Gambar Desain Rumah hingga 19000 Gambar

Dikirim oleh : Andri, Majalengka, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: Rumah Minimalis
Miliki Daftar Alamat Tempat Kursus Aneka Keterampilan

Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: tempat kursus
Video Tutorial Service Laptop

Dikirim oleh : Dian, 085724406969 | Kunjungi website: service laptop
Template Toko Online Blogspot

Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: toko online
Jual Games PC | Komputer | Android Murah

Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: jual game pc
Digital MarCom SosMed
Senin, 10 April 2023
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Kategori Iklan
- Agrobisnis
- Aksesoris
- Alat kantor
- Alat rumah tangga
- Apartemen
- Bisnis online
- Busana
- Digital kamera
- Fre service
- Hardware
- Internet
- Kantor
- Kecantikan
- Kerajinan
- Kesehatan
- Koleksi
- Komputer
- Media player
- Mobile phone
- Network marketing
- Notebook
- Peluang usaha
- Personal komputer
- Perumahan
- Properti
- Ruko dan kios
- Software
- Video
- Webhosting
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