Demi Chef / Sous Chef - Canggu Badung Bali. an International Chain of Pizza Company based in USA
open their business in Bali since 2020
a mixture of investment between western and locals
Invite another new member to join in
at positive vibes and team works.
Demi Chef or Sous Chef
General qualifications:
- Italian, Western & Asian Food products
- Experience from Hotels, Resorts or Chain Restaurant
- love to create, develop and expand variety of food
- Lead the team and train the team (approx to 7 team member)
- Open minded person and pleasant personality
- ready to join by this August 2022
- Salary negotiable and discussable exclude remunerations
- for resume please drop by email to:
- Placement of work: Tamora Squares Canggu Badung Bali
- Closing vacancy: mid of September 2022
other information needed, feel free to contact us by WA at:
Yudi & Associates / Bali Pro Agency Independent Recruiter Bali
IG: Yudiassociates
FB: Yudi & Associates
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Miliki Daftar Alamat Grosir dan No Telepon

Dikirim oleh : Dian, 085724406969 | Kunjungi website: pusat grosir
Koleksi Gambar Desain Rumah hingga 19000 Gambar

Dikirim oleh : Andri, Majalengka, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: Rumah Minimalis
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Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: tempat kursus
Video Tutorial Service Laptop

Dikirim oleh : Dian, 085724406969 | Kunjungi website: service laptop
Template Toko Online Blogspot

Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: toko online
Jual Games PC | Komputer | Android Murah

Dikirim oleh : Ferdian, 085724950575 | Kunjungi website: jual game pc
Demi Chef / Sous Chef - Canggu Badung Bali
Senin, 15 Agustus 2022
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